Take them into your heart and let them plant themselves into your soul. For you are the goddess, the goddess who does not rule the universe but is the universe.

Asteria is for you.

Her treasures have been created to adorn your body as a symbol of the stars that have fallen from the heavens to grow within you.

They are meant for you so you may create magic here on earth.

Asteria’s goddess energy is here to give all of you permission to embody her feminine being and the qualities that each piece beholds.

We have crafted and curated the collection with purpose, meaning, and whole hearted intention, blessing you, to unleash the goddess that lives within each of you.

Each piece has been named after and beholds the significance of her namesake Goddess. The pieces are meant to be built as a collection to live with you, and for you, to allow you to choose your power as you assemble layers and layers of pieces like energetic armour that walks forth with you into your world.

The pieces have been crafted as high quality luxury that is not only within reach, but allows you to accumulate a treasure trove of pieces that you combine and build upon to create a new gathering of energy each day.

Asteria was birthed from a mother and her first born daughter.

After years of looking into her daughters eyes speaking life into her, telling her that the world around her was too small for all of her power, the mother knew it was time to let her daughter fly. You see within her 14 years of human experience, this beautiful girl was slamming constantly against the confines of institutions like school and social ideologies. And in an attempt to grow into her maturity and face the ceasing of every traditional opportunity to work as a young person, she kept finding herself hitting ceiling after ceiling, the world trying to contain the power she was exuding. It became so exhausting that her mother knew it was time to break the world apart around her daughter so she could live life out loud. You see her mother was a women for whom walls and ceilings did not exist, and in that moment her mother realized that it was time to stop teaching from experience and to let her daughter fly. She knew it was time to smash open every door and let her child experience life on her own terms.

And at 14 she begun to do just that.

On a very ordinary day the mother looked to the beautiful creature she had created and birthed into this world and asked, well my child, what is it that you want to do, and it was in that moment that the universe communed with her child and in all her wisdom of 14 years birthed this beautiful idea that has now taken on a life of its own.

Asteria has fallen from the heavens through these two beings who intend for her to be as powerful for you as it has been for them. They intend for its beauty and magic to give to you what it has given them.

To all the goddesses, we behold the fallen stars.

For you do not rule the universe, you ARE the universe.